One Baltic Sea Region (ONE BSR)

ONE BSR - Baltic Metropolises Accelerating Branding and Identity Buliding

ONE BSR Project functions as an umbrella project for branding the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The project aims to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity. To market the whole region and its different parts by developing joint promotional services and test them in practice, to make positive publicity of the BSR lifestyles and to encourage the “we-feeling” of the Baltic Sea Region. One aspect of the project is also focsed on talent retention and promotion in the region.

Praxis is participating in a Talent workpackage in cooperation with Swedish Institute (SE), City of Stockholm (SE), Helsinki Research and Education Area (FI), and ScanBalt (DK). The workpackage is focused on
a) mapping the situation regarding talent policies in the region;
b) analysing talent retention policies through three specific case studies of Estonia, Finland and Sweden;
c) developing a talent retention toolkit for furthering the attractiveness of the region among talents.

For futher information, please refer to HERE.


Laura Kirss, Katrin Pihor, Reelika Leetmaa, Vootele Veldre, Education, Economic, Social and Labor Policy Program
2013 - 2013
Talent policy, talent retention, talent attraction, brain drain